Professor of Physical Geography
Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology
Stockholm University
SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden


Tel: 08-16 48 15

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Narrative Summary

I am permanently employed on a teaching position at the Dept. of Physical Geogr. and Quaternary Geol., Stockholm Univ. I was promoted to Full Professor on 1 July, 2004. My research concerns the thermodynamics of polythermal glaciers and ice sheet hydrology comparing the present Greenland Ice Sheet and the former Fennoscandian Ice Sheet. I also have several ongoing collaborations dealing with glacier mass balance and climate relationships with ETH-Zürich, Univ. of Innsbruck, Univ. of Gothenburg and within Stockholm Univ. I have been associated with Tarfala Research Station since 1985 and have run and developed the station environmental monitoring program in particular the world´s longest record of mass balance measurements on Storglaciären. I am currently Subject Responsible (in Physical Geography), and therefore in charge of the PhD education, at my department. I supervise several graduate students. I have published 48 papers (h-index: 15) in international peer-reviewed journals, including one paper each in Nature and Science. Several manuscripts are also in their final stages of preparation. I have co-written a book on glaciology aimed for Swedish undergraduate students, one manual for mass balance measurement training published by UNESCO/IHP as well as collaborated on a new standard for mass balance terminology also published by UNESCO/IHP. I have served as Vice President of the International Association of Cryospheric Science (IACS). Through IACS I have also headed a UNESCO training course on mass balance measurements in New Delhi (2002) and been an invited keynote speaker at the third World Water Forum in Kyoto (2003). I am Editor-in-Chief of the international journal Geografiska Annaler. I am a contributing author for the 2007 International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)-report (WG-1, Ch. 4).

·  Professor (Full Professor) of Physical Geogr., Stockholm Univ., 1 Jul. 2004.
·  Docent (Reader, Associate Professor) in Physical Geogr., Stockholm Univ., 15 Dec. 1999.
·  Doctor of Philosophy in Physical Geogr. (FD), Stockholm Univ., 3 Jun. 1994.
·  Doctor of Philosophy in Geology (PhD), Univ. of Minnesota, USA, 31 Mar. 1993.
·  Licentiate of Philosophy in Physical Geogr. (FL), Stockholm Univ., 10 Sep. 1991.
·  Bachelor of Science in Earth Sciences (4 years), Stockholm Univ., 20 Oct. 1986.


·  Senior Lecturer, Centre for Univ. Pedagogics., Stockholm Univ., (10%) 1 Jan. 2004–2006.
·  Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Physical Geogr., Stockholm Univ., 1 Jul. 1995–.
·  Research Associate, Dept. of Physical Geogr., Stockholm Univ., 1 May 1995–31 Apr. 2000.
·  Acting Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Physical Geogr., Stockholm Univ., 1 Jan. 1994–31 Apr. 1995.
·  Postgraduate Fellowship, Dept. of Physical Geogr., Stockholm Univ., 1 Jul.–31 Dec., 1993.
·  Lecturer, Dept. of Geol. and Geophys., Univ. of Minnesota, Winter quarter 1993.
·  Research Assistant Dept. of Geol. and Geophys., Univ. of Minnesota, USA, spring quarter 1988, winter and spring quarter 1989, fall, winter and spring quarter 1989–90, fall, winter and spring quarter 1990–91 and summer and fall quarter 1992.
·  Teaching Assistant: Geo 1021, Introductory Geology Laboratory, Dept. of Geol. and Geophys., Univ. of Minnesota, USA, spring quarter 1989.
·  Field assistant, Tarfala Research Station, May–Sep. 1986.
·  Acting Superintendent, Tarfala Research Station, May–Jun. 1986.
·  Research Assistant, Tarfala Research Station, field season 1985.
·  Trainee, Nature Conservation Unit, Gävleborg County Board, summer employment 1984.
·  Subject Teacher in Mathematics/Physics/Chemistry, Björksätraskolan, Sandviken 1979–80.
Publication Summary
· 51 peer reviewed publications, 41 in ISI-indexed journals
· h-index: 16
· 885  citations on 41 publications in ISI Indexed journals
· Average citations: 22.67
· As first author, h-index: 7; 249 citations on 11 publications in ISI indexed journals; Average citations: 22.64
The hydrology and dynamics of the Greenland ice sheet. Funded by The Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB). 2009–2014
Origin and mechanisms for atmospheric back-ground deposition of Nitrogen in winter snow in a high Alpine environment, Swedish Lappland. Co-laborator: Sven Blomqvist, Stockholm Univ. 2008–
Dynamic volume-area relationship for Arctic and sub-Arctic glaciers for correct glacier melt assessments in a warming climate. Funded by The Swedish Research Council (VR). Co-laborator: Rickard Pettersson, Uppsala University. 2008–2010.
The polythermal structure of glaciers. Funded by The Swedish Research Council (VR). Principal investigators Rickard Pettersson, Uppsala University. 2007–2009
A field and theoretical study of sediment transport near the basal thermal transition of a polythermal glacier. Funded by National Science Foundation. Principal Investigators. N.R. Iverson, Univ. of Iowa, USA. 2006–2010.
Glacier mass balance and tree rings as indicators of atmospheric circulation. Colaborator. H.W. Linderholm, Göteborg University, 2006–.
Climate and glacier variations in Scandinavia. Funded by National Science Foundation. Principal Investigators. H. Conway, A. Rasmusen, Univ. of Washington, USA. 2003–2005.
Subglacial hydrology beneath ice sheets. Funded by the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) 2002–2007. Colaborators: J.-O. Näslund, Dept. of Physical Geogr., Stockholm Univ., L. Rodhe, G. Sohlenius, Swedish Geological Survey. 2002–2007.
Variation in cold surface layer thickness and its effects on polythermalglacier dynamics. Funded by the Science Council (VR). Collaborator: R. Pettersson Dept. of Physical Geogr., Stockholm Univ. 2002–2004.
Timing and rate of accumulation on Storglaciären determined by snow chemistry. Colaborator: Dr. C.-M. Mörth, Dept. of Geol. and Geochem. Stockholm Univ. 2001–2003.
Structural glaciology of the terminus of Storglaciären. Collaborators: N. Glasser, M. Hambrey, Glaciological Research Centre, Aberystwyth, Wales, R. Pettersson, P. Holmlund, Dept. of Physical Geogr., Stockholm Univ. 2001.
En- and subglacial hydrology, Storglaciären. Funded by the Natural Science Council 1999–2001. Colaborators: A.G. Fountain, Dept of Geol., Portland State Univ., USA, R.W. Jacobel, St Olaf College, Northfield, USA. 1999–2002.
Longitudinal coupling in ice movement across a subglacial ridge, Storglaciären. 1999.
The Dynamics of an advancing cold glacier terminus, Storglaciären. Colaborators: R. Pettersson, P. Holmlund, Dept. of Physical Geogr., Stockholm Univ. 1998.
Modelling and model verification of the glacier system: 'Svalbard'-type polythermal glaciers – a case study on Storglaciären, Sweden. Collaborator: H. Blatter, Inst. of Geogr., ETH Zürich, Switzerland. 1998–2001.
Hydrologi and ice dynamics on Engabreen, northern Norway. Colaborators: J. Kohler, Norwegian Polar Inst., Tromsø, Norway, J.O. Hagen, Dept. of Geogr., Oslo Univ.. 1997.
The Hydrology of the Firn Area. Colaborator: T. Schneider, Dept. of Physical Geogr., Stockholm Univ.. 1997–2001.
Studies of basal ice underneath Engabreen, Northern Norway. Colaborators: V. Pohjola, Dept. of Geosciences, Uppsala Univ., J. Kohler, NVE, Oslo. 1994–1995
Studies of local climate in empty cirques located just beneath the glaciation level. Colaborators: S. Jonsson, Dept. of Physical Geogr., Stockholm Univ.. 1992–2001.
Material Properties of Subglacial Till, Storglaciären. Colaborators: R.LeB Hooke, N.R. Iverson, Dept. of Geol. and Geophys., Univ. of Minnesota, USA, B. Hanson, Dept. of Geogr., Univ. of Delaware, USA. 1992–1995.
Coupling between glacial hydrology and ice dynamics on Storglaciären. Colaborators: R.LeB. Hooke, Dept. of Geol. and Geophys., Univ. of Minnesota, USA. 1985–1995.
In progress
Advisor, Andrew Mercer: Accuracy of methods and their implication for monitoring and modelling regional glacier mass balance changes.
Advisor, Christian Helanow: Theory for water routing through ice sheets based on Greenland field data and its application to the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet.
Advisor, Susanne Ingvander (2011): Spatial and temporal snow accumulation patterns along an ice divide in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica.
Advisor, Thomas Schneider (2001): Hydrology of the firn area of a polythermal valley glacier.
Co-advisor, Malin Johansson: Melt on the Greenland Ice Sheet. (2012)
Co-advisor, Britta Sannel: Stability of peat plateaus in arctic and subarctic environments. (2010)
Co-advisor, Mattias de Woul (2008): Modelling the response of glaciers to climate change.
Co-advisor, Håkan Grudd (2006): Dendroclimatological reconstructions of past climates in Northern Swedish Lapland.
Co-advisor, Ola Fredin (2004): Mountain cetered icefields in northern Scandinavia.
Co-advisor, Rickard Pettersson (2004): Dynamics of the cold surface layer on the polythermal Storglaciären.
Co-advisor, Anders Clarhäll (2002): Glacial erosion zones – geomorphological examples from Scandinavia Canada.
Co-advisor, Björn Gunnarsson (2002): Past climate variability inferred from tree rings. Dendroclimatological investigations made on subfossil pine from peat and lake sediments.
Co-advisor, Hans Linderholm (2001): Late Holocene climate variability in Scandinavia.
Co-advisor, Cecilia Richardson (2001): Spatial variations in glacial physical properties and snow accumulation – radar studies in Antarctica and Scandinavia – methods and applications.
Co-advisor, Clas Hättestrand (1998): Ribbed moraines and Fennoscandian paleoglaciology.
Co-advisor, Arjen P. Stroeven (1996): Late Tertiary glaciations and climate dynamics in Antarctica: Evidence from the Sirius Group, Mount Fleming, Dry Valleys.
Supervisor for undergraduate work (13)
Mikael Starck: Simulering av Storglaciären: Jämförelse av två tidsberoende flödesmodeller över 500 år. 2007.
Carina Lindkvist: Skredriskkartering i Honduras. 2007.
Mikael Starck: Simulation of Storglaciären in FEMLAB. 2006. (co-operation with CSC/KTH).
Yvette Vignuolo: Faktorer för bedömning av skredrisk i Costa Rica. 2003.
Christian Edelstam: Lavinkunskap och lavinfara 2003.
Bengt Pettersson: Uppbyggnad och erosion av ett HK-delta. 2002.
Daniel Hjelm: A comparison of the glacial hydrology of Storglaciären, northern Sweden, and Haut Glacier d’Arolla, Valais, Switzerland, by means of tracer investigations. 2002.
Mikael Teljstedt: Utredning av föroreningsspridning från Ekbackens avfallsanläggning med fördjupad riskbedömning. 2000.
Kristof Sturm, Research trainee, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon. Mass balance measurements on Storglaciären. 2000.
Margareta Johansson: Climate conditions required for re-glaciation of cirques in Rassepautasjtjåkka massif, northern Sweden. 2000 (co-operation with Lund Univ. and Climate Impacts Research Centre, Kiruna).
Björn Isberg: Modelling of the discharge of Wisla during the flood of summer 1997. 1999.
Sara Frödin: Water flow in firn, Storglaciären. 1998.
Katarina Jonson: Modelling of discharge from a high-alpine basin with the HBV-model. 1997.
Anna Dalsryd: GIS för calculation of mass balance of Storglaciären. 1997.
Ola Fredin: Short-term variations in ice dynamics on Storglaciären. 1996.
Examination Tasks
·  Member of PhD examination committee – Liss Andreassen: Glacier variations in Norway - Measurements and modelling. Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, 18 Dec., 2008.
·  PhD thesis examiner – Shavawn Donoghue: Changes in the morphology, mass balance, and dynamics of Brown Glacier, Heard Island, with comparison to the surrounding sub-Antacrtic Islands. Univ. of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia, 25 July, 2008.
·  Member of PhD examination committee – Andy Aschwanden: Mechanics and thermodynamics of polythermal glaciers. ETH-Zürich, Switzerland, 25 June, 2008.
·  Member of PhD examination committee – Bradley Goodfellow: Paleosurfaces and paleovalleys on north Atlantic previously glaciated passive margins – reference forms for conclusions on uplift and erosion. Stockholm, 5 June, 2008.
·  Member of Licentiate examination committee – Hérnan de Angelis: Paleo ice streams in northern Canada. Stockholm, 20 May, 2006.
·  Member of PhD examination committee – Johan Bonow: Paleosurfaces and paleovalleys on north Atlantic previously glaciated passive margins – reference forms for conclusions on uplift and erosion. Stockholm, 26 May, 2004.
·  Member of Licentiate examination committee – Per Klingbjer: Paleoklimat och recenta glaciärer i norra Skandinavien. Stockholm, 20 Feb., 2001.
·  Member of Licentiate examination committee – Krister Jansson: Glacial geomorphology of central northern Quebec-Labrador, Canada. Stockholm, 31 May, 1999.
·  Member of Licentiate examination committee – Malin Stenberg: Kemiska studier av snö, firn och is från Antarktis och Kaukasus. Stockholm, 8 Oct., 1996.
·  Examiner, Licentiate examination – Johan Kuylenstierna: Datering av deglaciation, Holocena glaciärvariationer och trädgränsvariationer. Stockholm, 15 Apr., 1996.
·  Examiner, Licentiate examination – Arjen Stroeven: Sirius Group tills on Mt Flemming, South Victoria Land, Antarctica: A test of the Late Neogene East Antarctic Ice Sheet collapse hypothesis. Stockholm, 7 Jun., 1994.
·  Examiner, 32 undergraduate theses, 2000–2004.
Editorships, Scientific Publications and Applications Review Tasks
·  Editor-in-Chief, Geografiska Annaler, an international Wiley-Blackwell journal in Physical Geography, 2010–.
·  Chief Editor, Annals of Glaciology 50: Workshop on the Methods of Mass Balance Measurements and Modelling, Skeikampen, Norway, March, 2008.
·  Scientific Editor, Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie 2005–.
·  Guest Editor, Geografiska Annaler 87A (1) special issue on Climate Change and Variability, 2005.
·  Guest Editor, Geografiska Annaler 81A (4) special issue on Workshop on the Methods of Mass Balance Measurements and Modelling, 1998, Tarfala Research Station, Sweden, 10–12 Aug, 1999.
·  Scientific Editor, Annals of Glaciology 24: Changing glaciers, Fjaerland, Norway, June, 1996.
·  Referee, 62 papers for international journals (Science, J. Geophys. Res., Geophys. Res. Lett., J. Glaciol., Ann. Glaciol., Quat. Sci. Rev., The Holocene, Arct. Ant. Alp. Res., Hydr. Proc., AGU Geophys. Mon., IAHS Publ., Geomorphol., Geogr. Ann., Norsk Geogr. Tidskr., Polar Res., Ambio) 1995–.
·  Referee, National Science Foundation (NSF, USA) 2000–.
·  Referee, Natural Environment Research Council (NERC, UK) 2000–.
·  Editor, Dept. of Physical Geogr., Stockholm Univ., Research Report Series and Dissertation series. 1994–2000
Academic Reviews
·  Evaluation, Professorship in Geography with emphasis on Climate, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, Germany 2007.
·  Evaluation for Full Professor, Keith A. Brugger, Univ. of Minnesota, Morris, USA 2006.
·  Evaluation for Associate Professorship for Andrew Fountain, Portland State Univ., USA 2000.
Meriting Academic Missions
·  Editor-in-Chief, Geografiska Annaler, an international Wiley-Blackwell journal in Physical Geography, 2010–.
·  Vice President, Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography (SSAG) 2008–2009.
·  Vice President, International Association of Cryospheric Sciences (IACS) of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) 2007–2011.
·  Convener, Workshop J1: Glacier mass balance and atmospheric circulation. Int. Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science (IAMAS) General Assembly 2005, Beijing, China, 2–11 Aug.
·  Secretary, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Union Comission on Cryospheric Sciences (IUGG-UCCS; formerly ICSI) 2004–2007.
·  Secretary, International Comission on Snow and Ice (ICSI) of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) 2003–2004.
·  Instructor, UNESCO, HKH-FRIEND., New Delhi, India 2002.
·  Named Exceptional Reviewer in 2000 by the Scientific Editors of J. Glaciol.
·  Member, Advisory Board for EU-project: Development of Operational Monitoring System for European Glacial Areas – synthesis of earth observation data of the present, past and future. 2000–2003.
·  Organiser, Int. Glaciological Soc. – Nordic Branch Meeting 1998, Stockholm, Sweden, 6–7 Nov.
·  Co-organiser, Int. Glaciological Soc. – Glaciers and the Glaciated Landscape 1998, Kiruna, Sweden, 17–20 Aug.
·  Local Organiser and co-convenor, Workshop on the Methods of Mass Balance Measurements and Modelling, 1998, Tarfala Research Station, Sweden, 10–12 Aug.
·  Co-organiser, Int. Glaciological Soc. – Nordic Branch Meeting 1995, Stockholm, Sweden, 25–26 Nov.
·  Organiser and chairman, Midwest Glaciologist Meeting (annual symposia) first assembly, 1992.
·  Swedish correspondent, Int. Glaciological Soc. news bulletin, ICE, 1994–2003.
Meriting Academic Administrative Missions
·  Course director for doctoral studies at the Dept. of Physical Geogr. and Quaternary Geol., Stockholm Univ., 2008–.
·  Boardmember of the Dept. of Physical Geogr. and Quaternary Geol., Stockholm Univ. 2001–2002.
·  Course director for upper level geoscience courses at the Dept. of Physical Geogr. and Quaternary Geol., Stockholm Univ., 2001–2002.
·  Examiner in Geosciences, the Dept. of Physical Geogr. and Quaternary Geol., Stockholm Univ., 2000–2004.
·  Boardmember of the Dept. of Physical Geogr., Stockholm Univ., 1999–2000.
·  Course coordinator for geoscience courses at the Dept. of Physical Geogr., Stockholm Univ., 1999–2000.
·  Member of the Science and Mathematics Faculty, working group on information issues, 1996–2000.
·  Member of the Computing Committee at the Dept. of Geol. and Geophys., Univ. of Minnesota, USA, 1989–90, 1990–91, and 1991–92.
·  Countless talks on monitoring and research activities by Tarfala Reseearch Station to tourist groups passing the station since 1984.
·  Advisor-educator for upper secondary school teachers in establishing a course on research. Forskning och friluftsliv i fjällen Stina Björnström Hjalmar Lundbohmskolan, Kiruna 2003.
·  Scientific advisor and author for educational web site. Glaciärer Mikael Olsson, Universeum, Göteborg 2003.
·  Contributions to TV-documentary. Expedition Tarfala AnnikaWidebeck, TV, spring-summer 2006.
·  Article contribution on climate change. Klimatforskare vill ha mer automatic by Nils Lindstrand. Automation #3: 2008.
·  Scientific advisor and author for educational web site, Mikael Olsson, Universeum, Göteborg/Norsk Bremuseum 2009.

Other Meriting Missions
·  Editor and art director for the Swedish Mountaineering Club Annual Volume Till Fjälls 2003-2004.
·  Editor and art director for the Swedish Mountaineering Club Annual Volume Till Fjälls 2001-2002.
·  Editor and art director for the Swedish Mountaineering Club Annual Volume Till Fjälls 1999-2000.
·  Editor and art director for the Swedish Mountaineering Club Annual Volume Till Fjälls 1997-1998.
·  Editor and art director for the Swedish Mountaineering Club Annual Volume Till Fjälls 1996.
·  Editor and art director for the book Holmlund, P. och A. Schytt: Tarfala. Forskning vid Tarfalastationen under 50 år. (isbn 91-7540-112-6)
·  Co-editor and art director for the Swedish Mountaineering Club Annual Volume Till Fjälls 1994–95.
Symposia Presentations
·  Int. Glaciological Soc. – Nordic Branch Meeting 2011, Oslo, Norway, 27–29 Oct. Ice surface changes from 1959 to 2010. Climate induced dynamic change or filtered stochastic noise?
·  Arctic Council – 1st IPY Workshop on Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks, Stockholm, Sweden, 12–14 Nov, 2007. Tarfala Research Station – Monitoring the Cryosphere for the Future.
·  Int. Glaciological Soc. – Nordic Branch Meeting 2007, Uppsala, Sweden, 25–27 Oct. Yaks, Yaks, Yaks, … IACS! About the birth of IACS.
·  Int. Glaciological Soc. – Arctic Glaciology 2006, Cambrige, UK, 23–27 Aug. Assessing the possibility to couple chemical signals in winter snow on Storglaciären to atmospheric climatology.
·  Int. Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science (IAMAS) General Assembly 2005, Beijing, China, 2–11 Aug. Chemical signal in winter snow on Storglaciären coupled to atmospheric circulation?
·  Int. Glaciological Soc. – Arctic Glaciology 2004, Geilo, Norway, 23–27 Aug. Scandinavian climate in mass balance and dendroclimatolgical data.
·  Int. Glaciological Soc. – Ice Water Interactions 2004, Portland OR, USA, 26–30 Jul. Using realistic geothermal heat flow data for ice sheet modelling of basal temperatures and melt water production.
·  Int. Glaciological Soc. – Nordic Branch Meeting 2003, Uppsla, Sweden, 7–8 Jan. Englacial hydrology of glaciers, field results from Storglaciären, 2001–2003.
·  Keynote speaker at World Water Forum 3, session: Water Resources Management in Mountainous Areas, 2003, Kyoto, Japan, 17 Mar. Contribution of small glaciers to runoff and water resources.
·  Int. Glaciological Soc. – Nordic Branch Meeting 2002, Oslo, Norway, 7–9 Nov. Englacial hydrology of glaciers, revisitied, field results from Storglaciären, 2002.
·  Midwest Glaciologists Meeting, Northfield 2002, Minnesota, USA, 6–7 Apr. Polythermal structure of glaciers.
·  Invited speaker for Int. Association for Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) Sixth Assembly, 2001: A New Hydrology for a Thirsty Planet. Workshop 4: High mountain regions: hydrological processes and cryospheric processes, models and the variability of available water resources; in anticipation of the ‘Year of the Mountains 2002’, Maastrcht, The Netherlands, 19–20 Jul. The concept of glacier storage - A review.
·  Workshop on Inceptions: Mechanisms, patterns and timing of ice sheet inception. Idre, Sweden, 17–21 Jun., 2001. Ice sheet growth under dirty conditions: implications of debris cover for early glaciation advances.
·  Int. Glaciological Soc. – Nordic Branch Meeting 2000, Tallinn, Estonia, 28–29 Oct. Debris entrainment and internal structure of Storglaciären.
·  Int. Association for Hydrological Sciences, Workshop on Debris-covered Glaciers, 2000, Seattle, WA, USA, 13–16 Sep. Debris entrainment and polythermal structure in the terminus of Storglaciären.
·  Int. Glaciological Soc. – Nordic Branch Meeting 1999, Rovaniemi, Finland, 29–30 Oct. 3D time-dependent modelling of Storglaciären using distributed mass balance input.
·  Permafrost and Climate in Europe – Longyearbyen, Svalbard, 18–21 Apr. 1999. Progress report of Swedish activities within the PACE-project.
·  Int. Glaciological Soc. – Nordic Branch Meeting 1998, Stockholm, Sweden, 6–7 Nov. Effect of uncertainties in measured variables on the calculated mass balance of Storglaciären.
·  Int. Glaciological Soc. – Glaciers and the Glaciated Landscape 1998, Kiruna, Sweden, 17–20 Aug. Assessment of glaciation conditions in high-alpine cirques.
·  Workshop on Methods of Mass Balance Measurements and Modelling, 1998, Tarfala Research Station, Sweden, 10–12 Aug. Effect of uncertainties in measured variables on the calculated mass balance of Storglaciären.
·  Int. Glaciological Soc. – Nordic Branch Meeting 1997, Oslo, Norge, 30–31 Oct. The effect of artificial water input on the sliding speed at Engabreen.
·  European Ice Sheet Modelling Initiative (EISMINT) – Workshop on folds in glaciers 1996, Copenhagen, Denmark, 7–8 Nov. Folding in the terminus of the advancing Storglaciären.
·  Int. Glaciological Soc. – Nordic Branch Meeting 1996, Copenhagen, Denmark, 24–26 Oct. Rheology of subglacial till.
·  Int. Glaciological Soc. – Changing Glaciers: Revisiting themes and field sites of classical glaciology. Fjærland, Norway, 24–27 June, 1996. Longitudinal coupling in ice flow across a bedrock ridge.
·  Int. Glaciological Soc. – Nordic Branch Meeting 1995, Lammi, Finland, 8–9 Dec. Longitudinal coupling effects on Storglaciären.
·  Int. Glaciological Soc. – Nordic Branch Meeting 1993, Oslo, Norge, 12–13 Nov. The effect of effective subglacial water pressure variations on surface velocity.
·  Midwest Glaciologists Meeting, Minneapolis 1992, Minnesota, USA, 24–25 Apr. Short-term changes in ice dynamics on Storglaciären, Kebnekaise, northern Sweden.
·  Northwest Glaciologists Annual Meeting 1990, Seattle, Washington, USA, 31 Nov.–1 Dec. A five year velocity record on Storglaciären, Kebnekaise, northern Sweden.
·  Northwest Glaciologists Annual Meeting 1987, Tacoma, Washington, USA, 3–4 Dec. Short-term variations in surface tilt on Storglaciären, Kebnekaise, northern Sweden.


·  Spatial and temporal characteristics of a long mass balance record, Storglaciären, Sweden. Norwegian Water and Energy Board,NVE, Oslo, 31 May, 2007.
·  Ground-penetrating radar in glaciology. Dept. of Physics, Stockholm Univ., 20 Oct., 2006.
·  Nuclear waste disposal in Sweden – an example of applied glaciology. Dept. of Geography, University of Innsbruck, 20 May., 2005.
·  Tarfala Research Station. Dept. of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology, Stockholm University, 13 Oct., 2004.
·  Contribution of small glaciers to runoff and water resources. Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromsø, Norway, 13 Feb., 2004.
·  Thinning of the cold surface layer on Storglaciären. Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromsø, Norway, 11 Feb., 2004.
·  Internal drainage of glaciers. Institute for Geography, Univ. of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, 25 Oct., 2003.
·  Cold surface layer thinning on Storglaciären, Sweden, observed by repeated ground penetrating radar surveys. Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromsø, Norway, 25 Feb., 2003.

·  Mass balance measurements in Sweden. UNESCO, HKH-FRIEND 2002, New Delhi. India, 26–28 Sep.
·  Polythermal glaciers - effects of a cold surface layer on dynamics and glacial geology (no answers, just questions). Univ. of Minnesota – Morris, Morris, Minnesota, USA, 3 Apr. 2002.
·  Polythermal structure and glacier dynamics and hydrology. Univ. Courses on Svalbard (UNIS), Longyearbyen, Svalbard, 28 Feb. 2002.
·  Storglaciären and Tarfala Research Station - an overview. Univ. Courses on Svalbard (UNIS), Longyearbyen, Svalbard, 4 Mar. 2000.
·  Glacier hydrology and ice dynamics – Examples from Storglaciären. Dept. of Physical Geogr., Stockholm Univ., 14 Dec. 1999.
·  Ice movement of Engabreen – a natural scale laboratory experiment. Dept. of Physical Geogr., Stockholm Univ., 3 Feb. 1998.
·  Hydrology and dynamics of Storglaciären. Dept. of Physical Geogr., Stockholm Univ., 25 Nov. 1997.
·  Hydrology and dynamics of a small polythermal glacier. Geographisches Inst., ETH, Zürich, Switzerland, 14 Nov. 1997.
·  Mechanisms for glacier flow over deformable beds. Dept. of Physical Geogr., Stockholm Univ., 31 Jan. 1995.
·  Geomorphology of south-western USA with emphasis on Death Valley, California. Dept. of Physical Geogr., Stockholm Univ., 28 Dec. 1992.